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Pain as a Spiritual Teacher as an Enneagram 7 with Samantha Mackay
On this week’s episode of Enneagram IRL, we meet with Samantha Mackay, an Enneagram coach, trainer, and educator who specializes in using the Enneagram to amplify personal growth and healing. Samantha was a litigation lawyer until chronic stress and burnout lead her to evaluate what she really wanted in her life and to find the source of her pain. As a Self-Preservation Seven, she was good at ignoring her pain until her body made it clear that was no longer an option. She found the path to recovering from chronic stress and managing an autoimmune condition was to heal not just her physical body, but also her emotional, intellectual, and spiritual bodies. Her recovery journey started 15 years ago and she now supports others on their journey.
Scaling Back from Overworking and Finding Purpose as an Enneagram 9 with Stephanie Woodward
On this week’s episode of Enneagram IRL, we meet with Stephanie Woodward, a whole-life and leadership coach, facilitator, and author of The Big Scale Back: Success and balance by your own design (which was just released this week). She is the founder of Agency to Change, a boutique firm specializing in custom coaching programs to help individuals and teams redefine their relationship with work. We discuss Stephanie’s journey of reevaluating her approach to work and productivity as a One-to-One Nine. She offers so much insight into team dynamics, Type Nine strengths & shadows, burnout, & more!
Sobriety, Healing, & Holistic Mental Health as an Enneagram 3 with Amanda E. White
On this week’s episode of Enneagram IRL, we meet with Amanda E. White, a licensed therapist and the creator of the popular instagram account @therapyforwomen. She is the author of the book “Not Drinking Tonight: A Guide to Creating A Sober Life You Love," and the workbook version which will be coming out in January 2023. She is the founder and owner of the group therapy practice, Therapy for Women Center, based in Philadelphia serving clients across the country. She has been featured in notable publications such as Forbes, Washington Post, Shape, Self and more. We discuss performance and perfectionism, as well as explore the topic of Alcohol. This episode is great for those who are curious if their relationship with alcohol is serving them in their daily lives. What a great conversation with my fellow Enneagram Three!
MBTI & the Enneagram with Leslie McDaniel
On this week’s episode of Enneagram IRL, we meet with Leslie McDaniel, a coach, personality consultant, and podcast host for creative and ambitious problem solvers who want to rediscover who they are and what matters most through the lens of personality type so they can live each day with purpose and intention. She can help you take your Myers-Briggs® or Enneagram personality type from a casual curiosity to a life-changing path for growth. We discuss Myers-Briggs® Typology while touching on some basic and advanced theory. Leslie answers MBTI questions from the Nine Types Co. community and shares her passion for working with individuals using this personality system.
Becoming Your Most Confident Self as an Enneagram 5 with Kelli Rae Thompson
On this week’s episode of Enneagram IRL, we meet with Kelli Thompson, a women’s leadership coach and speaker who helps women advance to the rooms where decisions are made. She has coached and trained hundreds of women to trust themselves, lead with more confidence, and create a career they love. She is the founder of the Clarity & Confidence Women's Leadership Program, and a Stevie Award winner for Women in Business—Coach of the Year. She is the author of Closing The Confidence Gap: Boost Your Peace, Your Potential & Your Paycheck, releasing November 1, 2022. We discuss Kelli’s journey from gaining confidence in the corporate world to now leading the way for others to do the same. We dive into Kelli’s experience as a social Five and how she applies the Enneagram in her daily life.
Breakups, Healing, & Grief as an Enneagram 2 with Gina Gomez
On this week’s episode of Enneagram IRL, we meet with Gina Gomez, a Conscious Breakup & Relationship coach, and author of the book, The Enneagram & You. She specializes in mentoring women going through breakups or divorce, and she helps them to feel hopeful again, regain their sense of identity, find new and healthy love, and feel empowered and whole. We discuss Gina’s passion of working with people as they heal and grieve a breakup, and dissect what that really means. Gina shares her experience as a coach while also giving insight into her life as a self-preservation Two.
Expanding Awareness as an Enneagram 4 with Grizel Caminas
This week’s episode of Enneagram IRL we meet with Grizel Caminas, an outdoor enthusiast and therapist who uses her platform to inspire folks to connect with nature to support their mental health. After backpacking over 5000 miles on the Pacific Crest Trail, Appalachian Trail, and part of the Continental Divide Trail, Grizel has been personally impacted by the healing that comes with Mother Nature and believes everyone deserves to experience that form of healing. Grizel has been featured on a variety of platforms in both the mental health and outdoor space, including Outside Magazine, REI Co-op Journal, Blue Ridge Magazine, She Explores, Backcountry, American Foundation of Suicide Prevention, Talkspace, and more. In this episode, we break down aspects of an Enneagram type Four as it applies to Grizel’s experience of being a therapist, influencer, and lover of the outdoors.
Using the Enneagram with Teams with Truity Labs' Samantha Mackay
This week’s episode of Enneagram IRL is a little special because I'm the one being interviewed! Truity Labs (@truitylabs) is an online personality assessment platform, and they have a variety of assessments, including the Enneagram. A few months ago, I was interviewed by Samantha Mackay, who creates training programs and content for Truity Labs! Fun Fact: Samantha and I met in the Chestnut Paes Enneagram Academy. In this interview, Samantha and I discussed some of the upsides and downsides of using the Enneagram with teams, my approach to leadership and organizational communication as a practitioner, and more. So thank you so much to Samantha and Truity for interviewing me!
Going Out on a Limb in Entrepreneurship as an Enneagram 6 with Kristi Rowles
On this week’s episode of Enneagram IRL, we meet with Kristi Rowles, a mental health therapist turned Enneagram Coach. She runs Full + Free Enneagram Co and launched Enneagram University in 2020 where she trains people-and-Enneagram-loving humans to be the most competent and confident coaches on the market. Kristi is known for teaching the Enneagram in a way that is accessible, practical, fun, and compassion-driven. She and her partner, Nick, call central Florida home but they love traveling and just wrapped up a 3-month trip to Central America. She’s got a thing for chocolate, bright colors, and fun earrings.
Freedom in Stoicism as an Enneagram 9 with Sarah Mikutel
On this week’s episode of Enneagram IRL, we meet with Sarah Mikutel. Sarah is an American writer and coach and host of the LIVE Without Borders podcast. In 2010, at the advice of a stranger, Sarah traded New York City for a small town in Italy, obtained dual citizenship within two months, and has been living the expat / location independent dream ever since. (She may look like Type 7, but — surprise! — she leads with 9). As a student of Stoic philosophy — the foundation of modern cognitive behavioral therapy — Sarah takes an evidenced-based approach to her coaching. This includes goal mapping and habit building that leads to long-lasting, transformational results.
In the episode, we discuss the energizing concept of Stoicism and grasp the empowering idea of living your life to the fullest and what exactly that means as Sarah shares her experiences and knowledge as a Self- Preservation Nine.
Finding Softness with EFT Tapping as an Enneagram 8 with Jacqui Acree: Part Two
On this week’s episode of Enneagram IRL, we continue our conversation with Jacqui Acree, Certified EFT Practitioner. As an EFT practitioner, Jacqui Acree is a self-compassion advocate, goal trauma coach, and a self-help disruptor. She's the founder of Being Human Together, an online course community where she uses EFT to empower highly sensitive women to free themselves from chronic stress, perfectionism, and their inner critic so they can live each day as their favorite version of themselves. We talk about what it’s like to be an Enneagram Eight, finding softness and gentleness through EFT tapping, and the power of NOT powering through.
Finding Softness with EFT Tapping as an Enneagram 8 with Jacqui Acree: Part One
On this week’s episode of Enneagram IRL, we meet with Jacqui Acree, Certified EFT Practitioner. As an EFT practitioner, Jacqui Acree is a self-compassion advocate, goal trauma coach, and a self-help disruptor. She's the founder of Being Human Together, an online course community where she uses EFT to empower highly sensitive women to free themselves from chronic stress, perfectionism, and their inner critic so they can live each day as their favorite version of themselves. We talk about what it’s like to be an Enneagram Eight, finding softness and gentleness through EFT tapping, and the power of NOT powering through.
Using the Enneagram in Therapy as a Client: Bonus Episode
Welcome back to Enneagram IRL, the weekly podcast where we go beyond Enneagram theory and dive into practical understanding, new clarity, and fresh insight. This week’s bonus episode is about using the Enneagram in therapy as a client. I talk about my experience as a therapy client and a professional coach with the goal of empowering you to use the Enneagram in your own growth work in a way that you believe is best for you.
Core Motivation by Enneagram Type
When discovering your Enneagram type, it’s important to focus on the core motivation of each type rather than focusing on each type’s common behaviors. For some, recognizing their core motivation is immediate. For others, it takes a bit more self-discovery along with, perhaps, some deeper knowledge of the Enneagram. In this post, I highlight 4 things we should keep in mind when we talk about core motivations, as well as an overview of each type’s motivation and what they’re frequently avoiding. You’ll also find journal prompts to help guide you through observing your own core motivation.
Carving Your Own Path as an Enneagram 3 with Kimberly Reese, LCSW
On this week’s episode of Enneagram IRL, we meet with Kimberly Reese, a licensed therapist, expert on Black Agency, and a Certified Enneagram Coach based out of Charlotte, North Carolina. With over a decade of specialized experience in treating trauma in the BIPOC community. She is originally from South Florida but was raised in Durham, North Carolina where she obtained her Bachelor of Social Work from Meredith College and completed her Master of Social Work at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is committed to shifting the culture of mental health services by promoting quality therapeutic services to her clients in North Carolina. We talk about what it’s like to be an Enneagram Three, emotionality and being in the heart center, the Type Three approach to losing, failure, and achievement, and learning to do things we’re bad at.
Tapping Into Deep Emotion as an Enneagram 7 with Camille Logan, LCMHC
On this week’s episode of Enneagram IRL, we meet with Camille Logan, a licensed clinical mental health clinician who co-owns a private practice called the KC Collective in Raleigh, North Carolina. She enjoys working with adolescents, college students, and adults on a range of issues, but primarily around helping people untangle limiting beliefs, undo unhelpful patterns, and heal from hurtful experiences to help build a healthier narrative that makes room for healing, connection, and personal freedom. We discuss how Camille integrates the Enneagram in professional settings as a therapist who acknowledges the Enneagram as a tool of self-discovery, assertiveness, social justice, and the value of connection and vulnerability. We get a clarifying look into the fascinating depths of an Enneagram type Seven.
Joy, Liberation, and Antiracist Enneagram with Jessica Denise Dickson
On this week’s episode of Enneagram IRL, we meet with Jessica Denise Dickson, a life empowerment coach who believes that when Black women heal, the world heals. She believes that the path to personal and collective healing comes through embodying our Enneagram and liberation work. Jessica supports clients, through groups and one-on-one work, with the reclamation of our full humanity - healing work that leads us to equity, justice, and freedom. We discuss that when we do this work, we live more authentically with self-trust, self-safety, and fully-embodied freedom, and this echoes into our communities and changes the world. We explore Jessica’s beautiful and powerful experience as an Enneagram Eight whose love for life, people, and justice is so evident and quite contagious!
Parenting From the Best of Your Enneagram Type
I've teamed up with parent coach, @evita_wellness, for this post. Rebecca is a coach and counselor in British Columbia, Canada, and she’s trained in the Enneagram, Somatic Attachment Therapy, and working with trauma. She also has extensive experience in parent-teen mediation, parent coaching, and she is a parent of 3 herself! All that to say – she knows her stuff AND as an Enneagram 8, she’s going to point YOU back to what you already know in your own experience and development. Rebecca believes in empowering and encouraging parents as they are, which is why she uses the Enneagram in this sphere.
Using the Enneagram in your parenting has less to do with typing your kids and more to do with effective self-management. The goal here isn't to be perfect: the goal is to find self-compassion, growth, and the way forward as an imperfect person raising humans.
Redefining Health as an Enneagram Two with Dr. Shelley Prevost
On this week’s episode of Enneagram IRL, we meet with Dr. Shelley Prevost, Co-founder of Big Self School, a personal development studio focused on supporting the mental and emotional well-being of leaders, teams, and organizations. She is a licensed therapist, educational psychologist, leadership coach, and Enneagram practitioner. She has 25 years of clinical and coaching experience combined with 10+ years as an early-stage investor and startup executive to help create workplaces where everyone can thrive. In this episode, she shares fascinating insights into her experience as an Enneagram Two and how she approaches inner work for herself and professionally with others.
Communication by Enneagram Type
When I think about communication, I think about more than just talking: it’s how we express ourselves (even silence is a form of self-expression), it’s how we connect (or don’t), it’s how we build relationships and cultivate our lives. It’s everything! And this is one of THE most important ways I think we can use the Enneagram. How do you communicate with yourself? (Yes, it’s a thing!) And how do you communicate with others?
If you’ve been curious about using the Enneagram for growth, improving your relationships, and deepening self-awareness, I have good news for you!
Getting on Each Others’ Nerves
We all get on each others’ nerves every now and then.
When I say we “get on each others’ nerves,” what I mean is that we all do things that irritate others, and others do things that irritate us. I truly believe this is just a natural part of being a human in relationships with other humans.
We especially tend to get irritated when we see our own unwanted behavior in others OR when we experience others’ behavior as an accusation. For example, if a coworker edited your writing on a shared document, it could be easy to think, “Wow, she must just think I’m not smart enough to figure this out,” when in reality, the coworker might be thinking…