When You Need a Little Motivation - by Enneagram Type
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You’re used to me asking you to re-evaluate your expectations, take a good look at yourself, and identify ways to add more self-compassion and softness to your life.
And that’s valuable! But let’s be honest: sometimes we just need to get sh*t done. While it’s natural to view these two concepts as polar opposites, I don’t think they’re mutually exclusive. I do think it’s possible to be self-compassionate AND motivated (author Kristin Neff has a few more thoughts about this coexistence here).
As I’ve worked to be more self-compassionate in my own life, I’ve found that rest, rejuvenation, and re-evaluating what I really need to do are all helpful tools that help me stay a little more motivated.
So whether you’re in need of rest or a little kickstart today, this is for you! For each Enneagram type, you’ll find simple ways to increase your level of motivation to get things done AND some encouraging words to support yourself along the way. My best tip? Give yourself a high five in the mirror the next time you see your reflection. That person staring back at you needs your support, just like the other people in your life whom you readily cheer on. (Yeah, I know this sounds cheesy, but try it! This is based on The High Five Habit by Mel Robbins, and I swear, it works.)
My favorite resources on motivation (aside from the lists below, of course), are The High Five Habit by Mel Robbins & I Didn’t Do the Thing Today by Madeleine Dore. Both of these books take a different perspective on motivation and productivity – rather than twisting your arm to represent #hustleculture, these resources (and this post!) offer a more centered, grounded, self-compassionate, and purposeful encouragement to do what you need to do and give yourself a little love.
Just a little FYI - the encouraging words are all written based on question sticker responses from Instagram! If you don’t resonate with what’s on your type, borrow some inspiration from another type. We’ll allow it! 😊
Type One
What I do when I need a little self-motivation:
Remember why I thought this was worth doing in the first place
Remind myself it’s the next right thing right now
Pray or meditate
Remember who will benefit (whether it’s me or someone else)
Break down the project into smaller tasks
Make a detailed to-do list
Think about how great it will feel to relax after this is done
Encouraging words I can tell myself:
“Done is better than perfect”
“Start with what’s in front of you - you don’t have to accomplish everything at once”
“You’re doing your best - it doesn’t have to be perfect to be impactful”
“My future self will thank me”
Type Two
What I do when I need a little self-motivation:
Take a break & get some fresh air
Envision what it will be like to accomplish my dreams
Start fresh each day, no matter what happened yesterday
Figure out what I’m putting off most and do that first
Remember the big picture and why this matters
Remind myself of the relief of completing tasks
Look for inspiration in others (through reading, listening to podcasts, etc.)
Start with the thing I’ve been putting off
Encouraging words I can tell myself:
“In the end, it will be worth it, even if it’s tough right now”
“I’m learning to work through this process”
“This goal is within reach, and I’m worthy to achieve it”
Type Three
What I do when I need a little self-motivation:
Find a change of scenery or reorganize my space
Step back and appreciate the opportunity to do this
Focus on one thing at a time
Reframe the things that feel hard and remind myself what I’m learning
Get outside for a break
Create a short to-do list and start there
Reflect on past wins to tap into the energy I need
Envision how satisfying it will be to achieve this goal
Put up an inspiring quote on a post-it on my computer screen
Encouraging words I can tell myself:
“Doing this will contribute to my overall life goal of ____”
“I am the only one who can change my mind - I can provide the life/mindset/mood I need to accomplish this”
Type Four
What I do when I need a little self-motivation:
Tap into my why & find deep connection to it
Remind myself of the vision I have for my life
Set a time limit and work for that amount of time
Listen to music that sets the right tone
Lean on my rebellious spirit to figure out a different way to get this done (& prove that person who said, “you can’t do it” wrong)
Monitor my reasons for being productive & make sure they’re aligned with my true desires
Start with the most manageable tasks & work up
Set aside time for creativity and passion
Encouraging words I can tell myself:
“It doesn’t have to be perfect to be meaningful to me”
“What you’re working for is on the other side of this task”
“I believe in myself and my abilities”
“I was made for this”
Type Five
What I do when I need a little self-motivation:
Take timed breaks when I need them
Journal to process any thoughts that feel like they’re keeping me stuck
Find a place without distractions or other responsibilities
Write out and throw away unrealistic expectations
Identify what I’m using to avoid (wikipedia, the news, reddit, youtube, etc.) & block those until my break
Watch a talk by someone who inspires me
Remember past experiences when I thought I couldn’t do something but I did
Encouraging words I can tell myself:
“You already know what to do next”
“All you need to do is start; the rest will follow”
“My future self will thank me”
“In the end, this will be worth the energy it required of me”
Type Six
What I do when I need a little self-motivation:
Positive self-talk to get started
Make a detailed (but realistic) list - just to get it out of my head! The clarity I need is already within reach
Remind myself why I’m doing what I’m doing
Be the contrarian I truly am deep down: when everything in me says I can’t, I know that I CAN
Take a few deep breaths before getting started
Tune into how I’m feeling right now & process if I need to
Turn on fun music & clean first, then get to work
Trust myself in what I think I need to do first
Encouraging words I can tell myself:
“Clarity comes with action”
“If I don’t do it, it’s not going away - I’ll have to do it eventually, so why not start now”
“It will be worth it, and I’ll be glad I did it”
Type Seven
What I do when I need a little self-motivation:
Create a schedule & set time frames for things on my list
Read or listen to inspiring stories from others
Plan a fun reward for when I’ve finished the task
Find some alone time to write a checklist, plan, and focus
Get excited by listening to music & thinking positive thoughts
Work alongside a friend
Remind myself that chasing shiny objects is not helping me toward my goal
Encouraging words I can tell myself:
“I can do hard things”
“I’ve got this”
“You’ve come this far - you’re almost there!”
“You’ll be thankful very soon”
“There is enough time to do all the things I want to do”
Type Eight
What I do when I need a little self-motivation:
Move up the deadline
Take a walk & listen to an inspirational podcast
Start with rest & the motivation will come
Remind myself how great it feels to get things done
Be straightforward with myself / maybe a little tough love
Listen to a playlist that energizes me
Use an app or program to track my progress
Think about the strong people in my life & how they would encourage me (& then say that to myself)
Encouraging words I can tell myself:
“Future me will be proud”
“You’ve done hard things before, you can do it again”
“Start here & you’ll get there”
Type Nine
What I do when I need a little self-motivation:
Positive self-talk first
Plan a reward for when I am done
Write out the intended outcome & then work backward to set up baby steps to get there
Exercise or movement of some sort to connect to my body & get momentum
Remind myself that getting started is uncomfortable, but it will be such a relief to be done
Start small
Remind myself of what I’ve accomplished in the past & what has inspired me to get there
Encouraging words I can tell myself:
“I already have what I need to accomplish this”
“I am capable, and I will do this”
“Take your feet, your brain will follow”
“The work won’t go away if I don’t do it today. More work today = less to do tomorrow”
What if what you actually need is rest? Right this way.