An Enneagram 1's Path to Freedom, Wholeness, and Letting Go with Brian Lee
On this week’s episode of Enneagram IRL, we meet with Brian Lee. Brian is a pastor, coach, and speaker. As a survivor of spiritual abuse and religious trauma, he has spent his time since leaving vocational ministry in 2021 working to provide recovery and resources for fellow victims and survivors. In 2023, he created and founded Broken to Beloved, a nonprofit organization that exists to help other victims and survivors through its Annual Summit and seasonal Cohorts, while also providing trauma awareness and safeguarding practices to pastors, leaders and churches.
🔗 Connect with Brian Lee
📷 Instagram: @brokentobeloved
🔗 Connect with Steph!
📷 Instagram: @ninetypesco
🎥Youtube: @stephbarronhall
Here are the key takeaways:
Noticing Type One patterns growing up
Feeling like a mistake can lead to losing everything
The Enneagram versus other systems of personality
Knowing what to do when trauma happens
What is Broken to Beloved?
Talking Spiritual Bypass (neglecting psych work) and Toxic Positivity
How does Brian’s type show up?
Accessing the arrows to 4 and 7
Shifting Type One patterns and moving toward transformation
Working with shame and “worm theology”
Discussing Brian’s Social Type One experience with the inner critic
“One” by Sleeping At Last — “grace requires nothing of me.”
Words for other Type Ones on this inner work journey
How to connect with Brian
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Want to keep learning about the Enneagram? Grab Steph’s new book, Enneagram in Real Life! Find the book, ebook, or audiobook wherever books are sold.
This Week’s Guest Picks:
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